Information and data that empower the user to understand and take more informed decisions in relation to active sustainability-related initiatives.
Information makes knowledge visible, accessible and transparent to actors such as internal collaborators (within the company), external partners and users.
- To make the information comprehensible, attractive and relevant to the user.
- To get the necessary information from sub-suppliers, and to ensure its veracity.
- Leveraging Open Data to improve the access to more trustworthy and reactive services, like CityMapper or OpenActive platforms.
- Dave Hakken’s Story Hopper videos explore sustainability related topics, myths and questions.
- Strategic information as from the company Patagonia.
- Companies allowing customers to ask direct questions on online platforms, such as Everlane‘s Transparency Tuesdays.
Further Reading
Fischer et al. (2016). Sustainability Communication. In: Sustainability Science – An introduction. Springer.
Lemos (2016). The designer as the lens. In: The Pearl Diver: the designer as storyteller. DESIS.
Rose (2010). How to win campaigns: Communications for change (2nd ed.). Routledge.