Online shop and platform that allow customers to purchase products via internet. Conversely, it allows the company to communicate its strategies and products to users.
An E-shop can:
- offer more channels for customers and companies to ‘meet’ and communicate.
- support engagement in product and process transparency.
- support economic efficiency.
It might be difficult for users to test and experience the product before purchase if they only experience it online.
- Patagonia uses its shopping website as a community activism platform and a communication support for its transparency policy.
- Real Fábrica is an online store promoting local craft products from Spanish regions, reflecting the crafts and culture of each of them.
- Unspun developped an online application for users to scan themselves and get a tailored pair of jeans, limiting return risk.
Further Reading
Bell et al. (2018). The Store Is Dead – Long Live the Store. MIT Sloan Management Review, 59, 59-66.
Rai et al. (2019). How Does Consumers’ Omnichannel Shopping Behaviour Translate into Travel and Transport Impacts? Sustainability, 11(9), 2534.
Schleiden & Neiberger (2018). Does Sustainability Matter? A Structural Equation Model for Cross-Border Online Purchasing Behaviour. The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 30(1), 46-67.